What I’m about to tell you is two things
I’m about to try to do another one of those daredevil, intellectual-gravity-defying things — I’m about to try to tell you something both very nuanced and detailed, which is also very important. (Technically, I just sort of made it three things, but it’s really two: (nuanced and detailed) AND important. Thank you for paying such close attention, but you don’t have to be pedantic.)
Unfortunately, I think I need to tell you the nuanced part pretty early on in the piece, which is suboptimal for the clickbaitability of it all, and for my ability to retain your attention, but I don’t want to be reductive, and I don’t want to not do this justice, because it’s important. But this is important, and it’s also a bit complex, and it’s going to require your focus. I’m going to do my best to simplify it, but you’re going to have to chip in with your brain power, too. Deal? Deal.
There’s always a Chance to fall down a rabbit hole
Once again, I find myself at the center of a bunch of competing interests, all of whom would rather that I probably keep quiet about what I’m about to prattle on about. There’s the Delaware legislature, where the House of Representatives are about to vote on something I’m not sure they fully understand the impact of; there’s the Courts, who are already fully embroiled in a case that has them up to their eyeballs in novel legal situations; there’s the AMC stockholders, who are so fractally split into a million tiny pieces that regardless of what I say next, there will be dozens of people who have absolutely nasty, hateful things to say about it (and me), and then there are the lawyers, who are honestly probably tired of hearing about this case, and probably wish I would just let the DGCL amendments be, and move onto the next thing.