As someone who benefited from the OG GameStop value thesis, I don't have much faith that your message will reach and be actively understood by those who need it the most. The amount of infighting and criticizing of the very people who made the initial price movements possible in the first place would leave a sour taste in any rational person's mouth. No matter the end result, you deserve all the kudos for trying.

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"This is not Kindergarten. You have to color WAY INSIDE THE LINES. Sometimes I forget that I am actually attempting to communicate with other grown ass adults in this case, the way that I have to hedge everything that I say because people in this case are so vitriolic and the way this community gets so toxic, but at the same time, y’all need some tough love."

Just for this line alone I wish I could like this post multiple times. Especially with the most recent controversy of the e-mailing of the Objection letters snapfoo. The loaded language being used in that letter from Mr. Mathew to VCZ and the beyond desperate prose made my eyes roll so hard they launched into low Earth orbit. I get the feeling there is only so much of this sort of tactics and harassment Plaintiffs counsel will take before they start loading dragon's breath rounds into a shotgun in the legal sense and start returning fire via getting the Court involved.

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Thank you!

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Fine tooth comb and nits - I ask chat gpbt and they confirmed neither Twain nor franklin beat you to this priceless prose

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